Restoring our island song together
Mā te mahi ngātahi e ora ai te tangi o ngā manu tīoriori
Together, we can make Waiheke the world’s first predator-free urban island, creating a haven where native wildlife can thrive.
Don’t delay: report that stoat today
Community stoat sightings have been critical to the success of the project so far. Allowing the team to quickly focus on the right areas. Let us know the location of the sighting, the direction the stoat was travelling in and if possible a contact phone number.
We are very keen to hear about any stoat sightings. Please call us on 0800 BIRDSONG, email frank@tekorowaiowaiheke.org or fill out the online form.
Stoat eradication project progress
*5-minute bird count, 2024 vs 2020
Get involved
You can help by donating, reporting stoat sightings, or joining a community pest control initiative.
Stoat eradication
Discover more about stoats, the eradication project, its progress, and how you can contribute to its success.
Rat removal trials
Find out what we’ve learned so far about removing all rats from Waiheke, as well as some DIY rat control tips.
Impacts & research
Check out how annual bird counts are tracking, as well as community research reports.
Wildlife hub
Learn more about Waiheke’s fascinating wildlife and check out the latest news
Watch: What does being predator-free mean to the community?
“A people project – with everyone working together”
Proudly funded by