Latest Stoat DNA analysis: insightful and encouraging
Dr. Andrew Veale has successfully mapped the stoat genome, providing a comprehensive genetic reference for the species. Recently, he completed the latest DNA analysis of all stoats caught on Waiheke Island between September 2023 and August 2024.
Key findings include:
No external incursions All stoats caught were inbred Waiheke stoats, with no evidence of incursions from other islands or the mainland.
Getting hard to find a mate? Two stoats (one male and one female) were caught and had not produced a litter. This is highly unusual and may suggest stoat numbers on Waiheke are so low that they are struggling to find mates.
Only four litters detected and sires are both dead
Three of these litters were sired by the same male stoat, a 'super breeder' responsible for 26 of the stoats caught so far. This stoat has now been found dead.
The sire of the fourth litter has also been caught.
Stoat dispersal patterns Offspring from a single litter were found in both Orapiu and west of Onetangi, demonstrating that stoats travel significant distances. This underscores the critical importance of capturing stoats promptly after the denning season, before they disperse and become harder to catch.