Learn new outdoor skills and gain NZQA qualifications

Te Korowai o Waiheke is a charitable trust established by the local community to eradicate predators from the beautiful Waiheke Island. The first stage of the project is a stoat eradication island-wide. The second stage is a series of rat operational trials to understand how to remove rats from the whole of Waiheke.

What we are offering: Te Korowai o Waiheke would like to offer an opportunity to those that whakapapa to Ngāti Paoa to do a 2-day NMIT Predator trapping course in November in South Auckland and a 2-day Outdoor First Aid course in Auckland, plus a one day work paid placement on Waiheke Island working alongside our trappers. 

There are limited spaces available for these courses and people must commit to doing all 5 days of the training.

What will you get out of this? You'll receive NZQA qualifications for both the 2-day trapping course and 2-day outdoor first aid course and you'll get to spend a day on Waiheke Island, paid to trap alongside our experienced trappers looking at our stoat network on the motu. You'll be able to take these life-changing valuable skills back to your own whare, marae, and community or maybe join us at Te Korowai on Waiheke Island or any of the many Predator Free and community groups around Aotearoa that do predator trapping.

What to do next: If you are interested and/or want more information or want to apply for the course, please contact Miranda directly miranda@tekorowaiowaiheke.org / 021 872 632


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