Stoat hui on Waiheke Island | Predator Free 2050
Get the behind the scenes update on the recent stoat hui on Waiheke Island.
Te Korowai o Waiheke were proud to host the Predator Free 2050 Limited stoat hui recently. The hui brought experts and trappers from projects across New Zealand together on Waiheke, to share ideas which could help in tracking down the last stoats on the motu.
Te Korowai o Waiheke Project Director Jenny Holmes says that Waiheke is very close to becoming the largest island in the world to have eradicated stoats. “The hui was a great opportunity to bring stoat trappers and technical experts together in one room to share knowledge and ideas. The Waiheke stoat trapping team are keen to trial new ideas this spring and summer to increase our chances of successfully eradicating stoats from the island.”