New Chair for Te Korowai o Waiheke Trust board, and support for the Predator Free mission from Sir Graham Henry
Te Korowai o Waiheke Trust has given tribute to their Chairperson Grant Leach, who has handed the leadership baton to Brent Impey. Brent lives part-time on Waiheke Island, and is a highly respected director with a number of Chair and director positions both at home and internationally – he is also an avid tramper and bird spotter and proponent of the predator free mission. Brent’s background is in business and law, and for many years, he was the CE of MediaWorks.
At the same time, Te Korowai o Waiheke is excited to announce the inaugural patron of Te Korowai o Waiheke, Sir Graham Henry. Sir Graham is a resident of Waiheke and is well known in the New Zealand community, particularly for his contributions to NZ Rugby. Sir Graham joins the team as a big supporter of the New Zealand environment, our unique biodiversity and its protection, and has been involved in supporting community action on Waiheke for many years.