NZ Garden Bird Survey data for Waiheke

The New Zealand Garden Bird Survey is the longest-running annual survey of biodiversity in the country. Not only does it encourage an appreciation of the diversity of beautiful birdlife on our doorstep, but it allows for members of the community, from tots to tīpuna, to actively contribute to vital conservation research. The data collected from Waiheke over the last 10 years tells a very interesting story.

The period between 2011-2021 has seen an increase in abundance in 10 of the 14 bird species surveyed, including 4 out of 5 native species! The biggest winners have been the greenfinch (+109%), and the kererū (+62%). Even more excitingly, the data indicates that the biggest increase in abundance has occurred in the last 5 years, with a complete reversal in several downward trending species. This includes the native silvereye/tauhou, which despite seeing a 10% drop in population between 2011-2021, has seen a dramatic 32% recovery in the last 5 years! This trend shows the impact of all the predator management work being done on the island; the island-wide stoat eradication, rat control community groups and individuals trapping in their backyards and more!

Please feel free to share your stories of the ever-increasing abundance of birdlife around our motu. The Garden Bird data indicates that as a community we're moving forward with our shared goal of restoring our island song together!

Kereru, Te Korowai o Waiheke
