Two More join Waiheke Predator-Free Project trust

The Te Korowai o Waiheke Trust is excited to appoint two new Trustees to their governance board to help drive the bold, multi-year programme to eradicate predators on Waiheke Island.

Wendy Thompson is an experienced global marketer and entrepreneur, 2019 Australasian Social Media Marketer of the Year and finalist 2018 Next Women of the Year. She founded her own company “Socialites”, a specialist social media marketing company in 2010.  She is passionate about connecting organisations with their communities through the power of social media, helping them nurture fiercely loyal communities and cultivate meaningful on-line conversations.
Wendy has a home in Onetangi, is a passionate sailor and has a long history with the island through her grandparents.  “Creating a predator-free island so close to a bustling metropolis is a bold and inspirational challenge and I’m excited to be joining the team that is working towards making this happen” says Wendy.

Erika Barden has over twenty years of project delivery experience and genuinely believes in the value of people over process.  She loves sharing Agile ways of thinking, leading, and delivering to enable greater value, quality, and transparency. Erika blends research and insights with practical experience, and is a trusted Agile advisor to Senior Leadership teams across New Zealand. Erika has led successful transformations in NZ, the UK and Ireland. 
As a proud Mum of three, Erika spends much of her 'spare' time providing taxi, sports coaching and food prep services. She also enjoys hiking, silver smithing, and supporting our local vineyards.  She is passionate about our beautiful Island, and is looking forward playing a larger role in creating a predator-free Waiheke.

“I am thrilled to have Wendy and Erika on board as Te Korowai o Waiheke trustees. The specialist skills they bring in not-for-profit communications and innovative project delivery methodology will greatly assist in moving towards our goal of becoming a predator free Waiheke Island,” says Brent Impey, Te Korowai o Waiheke Chairperson.

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