Setting up the E-Bird App

Download the e-Bird app on to your smartphone

E-Bird Apple app store

E-Bird Android Play store

Set up an eBird account (required before you can open the app)

  1. Create a free eBird account by filling out all the required fields (first name, last name, email) and create a username and password (8 characters long)

  2. Press “Create Account” then go into your email to activate the account (there will be an email from eBird).

Set Up the eBird app (only required the first time you go into the app)

  1. Fill in your username and password and press login.

  2. Review preferences

    a) Species name display - choose common name

    b) Language - English New Zealand

    c) Show subspecies for data entry - off

    d) Show distance in kilometers, then press Continue

  3. Install a bird pack - select View Suggestions and click on the New Zealand pack and the Install button.

  4. Click into Settings - iphones, three green dots on the bottom right hand corner of the screen and androids, three green lines in top left hand corner.

  5. Click portal and scroll down until you find “New Zealand Bird Atlas”

  6. Click the back arrow in the top left corner which will take you back to the home page.

    Instructions for using the app can be found here