Eradication Programme Update — Alert Level 4

Given the recent move to Alert Level 4, here is an update on the Waiheke eradication programmes.

The island-wide stoat eradication is able to remain operational given pest management is now able to continue at Alert Level 4, working within strict Ministry of Health requirements.

This is great news for the stoat eradication, as any gap in trapping put the programme outputs at risk. As spring is just around the corner it is a really important time of year to make sure all stoat traps are open when stoats start breeding.

The Te Korowai o Waiheke field team will start servicing traps again from Friday August 20th.

Te Korowai o Waiheke COVID-19 Level 4 Health & Safety plan includes:

  • Field staff work independently at all times, including in the vehicles. Times are staggered to pick up supplies.

  • Field staff maintain excellent hand hygiene, continue to use gloves and hand sanitiser in the field, and wear masks when picking up bait and any location that is customer facing.

  • Field staff use the COVID tracing app diligently, and record their movements using the FieldMaps data management app.

  • All team meetings and/or other meetings and events are held virtually.

  • All other staff work from home.

  • Staff stay home if feeling unwell.

The rat eradication pilot Community Liaison team will be working from home and contacting people remotely by phone or email. If you live in the Kennedy Point/Ostend/Te Whau/RockyBay areas and have not yet signed up for the rat eradication pilot please email or call 0800 BIRDSONG.

Stay safe everyone.

Stoat EradicationTKOW