Welcoming New Field Technicians, Tilde & Harri
We're excited to welcome Tilde Sorensen and Harri Raby to the stoat team - both joining as field technicians to help in the efforts to catch the remaining stoats on the motu.
Tilde recently graduated from the University of Auckland with a Masters in biosecurity and conservation, monitoring invasive and native skinks on islands. She also worked on setting up the stoat pilot on Waiheke Island in 2016, so it’s great that she’s bringing her combined experience to the stoat trapping team.
Harri is currently finishing his postgraduate Science degree at AUT, but has been on the island for a few years and graduated from Waiheke High School. Harri loves the outdoors and is excited to contribute to restoring the native bird song on the island.
Harri (left). Tilde (right).