The Te Korowai o Waiheke Team Continues To Grow

Several part-time roles have been filled to coincide with the growth and needs of the Te Korowai o Waiheke programme of work. We are thrilled to welcome these individuals, each with expert knowledge in their own fields. 

Miranda Andrews
Office Administrator (part-time)

Miranda has lived on Waiheke since 2009 and has been involved in the wine industry. She is of Ngāti Paoa descent and is enjoying being involved in restoring the motu.

Linda Sorenson
Financial Assistant (part-time)

Linda has been living on the island for seven years and since 2019 has been running her own book-keeping business with fifteen Waiheke business clients.

Grant Harper
Biosecurity lead (part-time)

Grant is an experienced eradication practitioner and biosecurity planner and was the Ground Operations Manager for the Lord Howe Island rodent eradication and was most recently involved with their 2021 rodent incursion response.

Rosemary Thorne
Training/Recruitment coordinator (part-time)

Rosemary is a long time Waiheke “bottom-end” resident and has run her own Human Resources business for the last eight years. Rosemary has also been a volunteer in the island wide stoat eradication programme since February 2020.

Lauren Baker