Waiheke Island 1500 traps closer to becoming predator free

Waiheke Island is one step closer to becoming the world’s first predator-free urban island as Te Korowai O Waiheke sets 1500 stoat traps across the island from February 24. Waiheke Island is the second-largest remaining island in the Hauraki Gulf yet to be predator-free. As we well as stoats, the eradication programme also targets other mustelids, including ferrets and weasels. It is the first phase of the Te Korowai O Waiheke’s project to rid the island of the mustelids and ultimately rats to ensure a thriving, healthy environment.

The community is very passionate about the programme, with many giving their time to it through volunteering in community groups controlling predators, helping to monitor bird populations on the e-bird app and hosting stoat traps on their properties.

The traps will be live until December 2021, followed by a two-year monitoring programme to confirm there are no stoats left.